What to look for in a new hospitalist job?

There are several things that need to be looked at when taking up a new hospitalist job:

Average census, do they have any back up plan when the census goes up?

What software is the EMR?

Is there a Cap on number of patients per day?

Turnover of hospitalists-Are hospitalists leaving frequently?

Does the program use NPs and PAs?

Do you need to work at more than one hospital causing too much commute?

Can you go home early if you finished your work?

Do they offer Paid Time Off?

What is the Salary?

What are the components of Bonus structure, quality incentives?

What Retirement plans are offered-401K with match %? , 403b, 457-Governmental?, Is it vanguard? Fidelity?

How is Health insurance, Disability insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision insurance, Do they offer High Deductible Health Plan with HSA option?

Do they offer Malpractice insurance with Tail coverage?

Does the area have a Good school district?

Are the current hospitalists happy?

How much is the CME money?

Do they provide Cell phone or we have to use our own for work?

Do they offer UpToDate subscription for free?

Do they have Full subspecialty back up?

Is there a Dedicated Nocturnists’ team?

Is ICU open? Closed?

Is there a Non compete clause, how far-duration and distance?

Anyone goes for fellowship?

Is the cafeteria food good?

Dedicated admitters during day time so rounders don’t have to admit?

How do the hospitalists support each other?

What kind of social get togethers hospitalists have?

Do you have to teach medical students or residents?

Do we have to do any Procedures?

What are the chances of Job opportunities for your spouse in the area?

How is the Crime rate in the area?

and the list goes on..!!!
