bisacodyl 10 mg rectal suppository, 10 mg, supp, PR
docusate sodium 100 mg, capsule, PO, bid
docusate-senna 50 mg-8.6 mg oral tablet, 2 tab, tablet, PO, qhs
Dulcolax Laxative 5 mg oral delayed release tablet, 5 mg, EC tablet, PO, Daily, EC Tablet: Do NOT chew or crush
glycerin adult rectal suppository, 1 supp, PR, Daily
lactulose 20 g, syrup, PO, tid
Linzess 72 mcg, capsule, PO, Daily
Linzess 145 mcg, capsule, PO, Daily
magnesium citrate, 150 mL, oral soln, PO
Milk of Magnesia 24% oral concentrate, 10 mL, oral susp, PO, q12h
Milk of Magnesia 24% oral concentrate, 10 mL, oral susp, PO, qhs
Miralax 17 g, powder, PO, Daily
Movantix 25 mg, tablet, PO, Daily
Tap Water Enema, Tap Water Enema, PR